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发布日期:2024-09-22 01:43浏览次数:
本文摘要:Tim Cook, CEO of Apple Inc, said that the US tech giant will partner with Chinas Tsinghua University to create a joint research center that will focus on advanced technologies, including machine learning and computer vision. 美国科技巨头苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克日前回应,苹果将和中国的清华大学合作正式成立牵头研究中心,专心于机器学习和计算机视觉等先进设备技术研究。

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple Inc, said that the US tech giant will partner with Chinas Tsinghua University to create a joint research center that will focus on advanced technologies, including machine learning and computer vision. 美国科技巨头苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克日前回应,苹果将和中国的清华大学合作正式成立牵头研究中心,专心于机器学习和计算机视觉等先进设备技术研究。The company also will donate 25 million yuan to the China Development Research Foundation, as part of its efforts to help students in the nations less-developed areas, Cook said at the China Development Forum in Beijing.库克在北京举办的中国发展论坛上还回应,作为协助中国贫困地区学生的部分希望,苹果还将向中国发展研究基金会捐献2500万元。The money will be used to support the foundations digitalization program and help more than 300,000 students from kindergarten to middle school in less-developed areas to find a way out of poverty, Cook said.库克称之为,这笔资金将用作反对该基金会的数字化项目,并“协助欠发达地区30多万名从幼儿园到中学的学生,以寻找挣脱贫穷的方法。

”Creative developers and innovators are the future, and we need to nurture the students of today, Cook said.库克说道:“有创造力的开发者和创新者是未来,我们必须培育今天的学生”According to him, products made in China have been sold to the world and ideas born here will also have a bigger global impact in the future.根据他所说的,中国生产的产品早已销往世界各地,在这里问世的创新也将在未来产生更大的全球影响。


